Support Us

Here at Eastbourne Rabbit Rescue we work really hard to support all the rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals that pass through our doors. However, we do rely entirely on donations to keep those doors open and the rescue running. If you want to help us secure a safe, loving home for every rescued animal, please support us in any of the ways listed below.

If you’d like to make a donation you can do so via the paypal buttons above. For information on how to donate via cheque or bank transfer, email or call us on **.

Our ‘Adopt a Hutch’ program allows you to select one of our hutches and sponsor the inhabitants monthly or annually. You will receive monthly updates on your hutches inhabitants and what they’re up to!

We run fundraising events all year around; car boot sales, jumble sales, raffles, tombolas, charity fun-days, auctions, sponsored events, open days, school fetes and more! We are always pleased to receive any saleable items for these fundraising events.

Check out our Services for some of the ways we can help you and your furry friends. If you’d like to donate a present that would improve the bunnies lives, see our Amazon Wishlist, or the list below.

Hutches and/or runs
Rabbit/guinea pig food
Rabbit friendly fruit or veggies
Shredded Paper
Water bottles
Food or water bowls
Hand soap or sanitiser
Bin liners
Rubber gloves (all sizes)
Dustpans and Brushes
Animal carriers
Rabbit-size tunnels or pipes
Old newspapers
Jumble/Boot fair donations
Quality gifts for raffles etc.
Craft items to sell
Old towels or blankets
A4 paper/laminator sheets
Rabbit/guinea pig toys
Plastic key toys or step stools






What your donation pays for:

  • **Costs of things. Maybe how much it costs to feed a rabbit per day VS a spay/neuter VS that almighty vet bill!**

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